Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Wisdom from Cracked

Cracked.com is one of my favourite websites. Not only do they make me laugh until I'm in tears, they also deliver some oddly informational articles. I love their ability to teach and entertain simultaneously.

Here's a great quote from 5 Widely Believed Dating Myths (Science Says Aren't True), one of their recent articles:

"A study of data collected from over a thousand unmarried young adults showed that men are actually more emotionally affected by relationship drama than women. They just don't show it. They're more likely to put on a brave face than post passive-aggressive Facebook statuses or complain about their significant other to their buddies. Meanwhile, they probably cry into their pillows at night after an argument with their girlfriend.

Researchers think it might be because girls generally have more close bonds with friends and family than men, so going through a rough spot with the boyfriend doesn't cut off their only outlet for emotional support. Guys, on the other hand, tend to confide only in their significant other. Emotionally, that means they have more at stake if things turn cold in the relationship."

There are a bunch of other dating-related articles that are definitely worth a read. Check them out:

6 Things Men Do To Get Laid That Science Says Turn Women Off