Sunday, June 6, 2010

Tip #15

Be honest with your friends.

I learned recently that my best friend apparently "can't stand" my fiance and while I'm used to taking her brutal honesty with salt, the thing is, she wasn't honest.

My fiance accidentally read a text message from my best friend meant for another girl. To rub it in, she sent this message while hanging out and talking with my fiance.

For a girl who can tell me to my face that I look stupid or that I'm embarrassing her, I'm somewhat baffled and hurt by such a two-faced action. Why wouldn't she just talk to me about her issues with my fiance?

I've certainly done my best to be honest with her about my opinions on her romantic interests. I assumed I was receiving the same level of honesty in return and it's a little stunning that I wasn't.

While no one has the right to directly tell you who or who not to date, you should always be open to the opinions of friends and family. After all, those closest to you might have some good advice or a perspective that hadn't occurred to you.

It also brings you and your friend closer, as you get the chance to demonstrate to each other that your friendship will last through any romantic ventures (successful or failed).

1 comment:

  1. friendship is the real gold. so, be honest to friends is absolute term and condition.
